As a freight broker instructor, I get a lot of phone calls and emails. There is a lot of confusion when it comes to freight broker requirements as opposed to starting a trucking company.
The two have a couple similar requirements - but the two are completely different in other aspects.
First, I don't get into trucking operations with my broker training. Truckers have their own requirements and this is NOT included in my training.
Yet, many truckers call asking about freight brokering and say, "I already have my authority". I have to then ask them if they are talking about their trucking authority or do they have their broker authority. 99.9% of the time they are referring to their trucking authority.
So, I tell them they need a separate authority if they want to become freight brokers.
Here is what you need for your freight broker authority:
- A motor carrier number (MC#),
- A BOC-3 which gives legal representation in all 50 states,
- A UCR permit which is for ..... well, I think it's a money grab from the government, and
- Evidence of a $75,000 surety bond or trust fund (no you don't necessarily need to put up $75K yourself)
That's it ..... BUT, this is only the beginning.
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