Normally, getting a freight broker authority is quite simple and fast. The one area where there might be any hangup is in showing evidence of the $10,000 trust fund or surety bond.
Now, some individuals put up their own $10K in which case, there is no credit check. But if you are looking for a financial organization to put up the $10K for you, you need to have "very good" credit. Otherwise, you may be making a deposit and paying in so much per month to build your own trust fund.
Here is the thing: if you are being subjected to a credit check, the financial organization will look to an individual and not to the business entity. The individual should be working in the freight broker company and could be either the sole proprietor or an officer of a corporation.
There are some other angles and if you have questions, give me a call at 1-888-526-ATEX (2839).